In less than 1 minute, handle DTC issues including...

Reset Active Fault Codes

Fault codes that determine that there is an existing issue. Certain active fault codes can be cleared, however, if the problem has not been fixed the fault code will reappear prompting you to seek service.

Overcome aftertreatment issues in 3 minutes or less..

Reset Ash Accumulators

Ash accumulators have stored values in the engine control module (ECM). Ash level includes measurement of ash in the DPF

Reset DPF Accumulators

DPF accumulators have stored values in the engine control module (ECM). DPF level includes measurement of soot in the DPF

Reset Aftertreament Learned Data

Measurement of learned data based on various engine components to adjust your injection timing based on characteristics of your engine sensor values

Reset DPF Regeneration Timers

Measurement of time since the last DPF regen occurred. The calculation is based on time, miles driven, and fuel usage

Initiate a Forced DPF Regen

A forced DPF regen is performed when a diagnostic scan tool, such as the OTR Reset Tool, starts the regen process. The DPF soot load could be too high for a passive or active regen to occur, meaning you’ll need to perform a forced DPF regen.

When to start a forced DPF regen?

✔️ When the soot level is too high for a passive or active regen to occur

✔️ When maintenance items are replaced on the aftertreatment system in order for you to clear certain fault code

✔️ To keep your DPF filters clean, which can save you fuel mileage and prevent breakdowns